There are several ways in which you can find hidden bank accounts and assets of any person, provided you have the authority and consent from the reliable and relevant authority. One such effective way is to check with the business dealings and transactions. This will provide you with the necessary clues to reach to the source of such transactions and chances are very high that you will find the person you are looking for. Check for the cash flow procedures of the business which will tell you about the source as well as the recipient.
Red Flagging A Cash Flow:
Take care to red flag a transaction or account while you are Finding Hidden Bank Accounts through the cash flow of the business. If you find that records of payments and deposits are maintained in two separate mail accounts and by two different persons then you can be sure that there is good control of funds. But when you see that one single person opens the mail, writes and makes the deposits then you should red flag the account.
Names In Which Checks Are Drawn:
Any business will have checks drawn by the company to a company. On the contrary, if you see that the checks are payable to the owner of the business then there is a point of bother. You should compare the cash receipts records with the accounts receivable records to find any discrepancies. If significant write offs are not supported with proper documents red flag it. Take help of reputed Asset Search Services in such matters.
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