If you know the right way to search for bank accounts and the right persons to approach then it might not be so stressful job for you. With some simple steps you can search the bank account for a deceased person. Start with speaking to the executor of the will of the deceased as this is probably the most logical step. This will help you a lot as the person will already have researched about all the assets the deceased person had. When you know about the bank account from the executor you can carry on your search from there.
Check Previous Financial Records
Another logical way for Finding Bank Accounts for Deceased is to check all the previous financial records thoroughly. You may also find some correspondences that will lead you to a bank account. If you can find any relevant person to contact from the correspondences then chances are that you will come to know about the current and up to date bank accounts. This is due to the psychological fact that people draw money from their savings more in the later stages of their life for medical bill payments, social security and other purposes.
Check with FDIC
Better than trying with the Treasury Department you should try with the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation or FDIC for bank account search. This might give you some leads as to whether or not assets were taken over at any point of time. You can also search online so that you can find any unclaimed funds that may be still there in the name of the deceased. If all your efforts fail, there are professional service providers who can help you with the search.
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